How To Use Touch Up Paint
With debris from the road kicking up and adverse weather conditions, it’s inevitable that a regularly used car will suffer from a few paint chips every now and then.
Follow our guide on how to use touch up car paint for the best results.
1. Prepare the vehicle
Prepare the vehicle by ensuring the surface being treated has been thoroughly cleaned and dried prior to the touch-up car paint application. Make sure that all wax/polish has been removed from the chipped area.It’s important to vigorously shake the paint bottle prior to use. Always use the supplied protective gloves and appropriate eye protection in a well-ventilated area.Start the application in a small area, until you are familiar with the process. To achieve the best results possible following these instructions fully.
2. Apply the touch up car paint
Apply the touch-up car paint onto the damaged area using either the Chipex paint applicator brush® or simply by dipping your gloved finger into the paint and smearing it across the surface. Make sure the paint is smeared out flat so that it is touch dry.The drying time for the paint can vary from anywhere between 40 seconds and 5 minutes, depending on the ambient temperature and quantity of paint applied to the area. 3. Apply blending solution Once the touch-up car paint is touch dry, apply a small quantity of the blending solution to the paper cloth.Using light pressure, gently run the cloth across the surface to remove the excess paint. Don’t rub the surface too hard as the blending solution will do the work for you. When all of the excess paint has been removed from around the chip, leave to dry for a few minutes before commencing with step 3.
4. Polish the car
When the panel surface is dry, apply a small amount of finishing polish to a microfibre cloth and gently rub over the entire treated area.Remove the polish with the microfibre cloth when the polish has dried to an opaque haze. It’s recommended you polish the whole panel to give the best results.
Tips for using touch up car paint
Large and deep chips
On particularly deep chips you can repeat the process multiple times to gradually increase the paint layer by layer.
It’s recommended that the application process is used during temperatures above 0°c, as the paint drying process will be reduced.The Chipex touch up car paint product is not suitable for vehicles that have been recently painted. It is recommended that you allow at least 1 month for the original vehicle paint to cure of time of painting.Find out more information about our Chipex touch up car paint.Make sure you get the correct Chipex touch up car paint kit by finding your color code.